A fancy cocktail
of skills
We are an innovation house located in Milan, Italy & London, UK
Digital Trends
We always keep an eye out for what the tech and design market is doing, so that we can always offer a top notch in trend approach.
Digital Aestethics
From branding, to strategy, positioning, graphic design and concept creation, we’re a growling team of young talents and…less young (but still very cool) mentors.
We think, design, code and implement augmented reality, virtual reality, virtual events, artificial intelligence application and meta-human programming.
Software Development
Our dev team takes care of web and mobile development, security and integration, user onboarding and prototyping. Also, of keeping the creatives from proposing stuffs all the time
Cloud Computing & Infrastructure
From IT architecture to process optimization, we can make the complex easy by coding it right and making it human-friendly.
3D Modelling & Animation
We design, model, rig and animate 3D elements, surreal or human-like. We do it because we like it and also because you can make those amazing Out of Home 3D billboards with it.
Our history in short (promise)
Bitforfun Ltd is a London-based company founded in 2017. The main lines of business are software development and systematic consulting in Microsoft.
BitForFun Italia Srl, a direct subsidiary of BitForFun Ltd, is founded for operations in the Italian territory.
We expanded our scope to the world of entertainment and events. A combination of vision, ingenuity, and necessity brought forth Morpheus, a software for producing virtual events, and Ermes, our SAS streaming platform based entirely on Microsoft Azure services.
That project has transformed into an entire ecosystem of digital innovation ranging from virtual world designs for experiences and events, creation of metahumans, advanced programming and anamorphic effects for Indoor and Outdoor.